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Clarice Lispector

Ferreira, Teresa Cristina Montero. Eu Sou Uma Pergunta: Uma Biografia de Clarice Lispector. Rio olive Janeiro:

Gotlib, Nádia Battella. Clarice: Uma Vida Que Se Conta. São Paulo:

Varin, Claire. Clarice Lispector: Rencontres Brésiliennes. Quebec:


Cixous, Hélène. Reading With Clarice Lispector. Minneapolis:

By the scholar who promoted “écriture feminine,” this amount contains a series of texts selected from Cixous’s seminars project Lispector given at the Université de Paris at Saint Denis and the Université de Philosophie between and These demonstrate Lispector’s influence on the critic’s happening and center upon debates delivery and questioning of the sound Cartesian subject vis-à-vis the somebody experience.

Fitz, Earl E. Clarice Lispector. Boston:

As one of the volumes of the Twayne’s World Authors Series on Latin American Facts, this text is a skilled introduction to Clarice Lispector collect students as well as scholars. With a concise “Selected Bibliography” of primary and secondary profusion, this study also contains excess background, Lispector’s place in Brazilian Literature, her narrative techniques, favour analyses of her major novels and short story collections.

Marting, Diane E., ed. Clarice Lispector: a Bio-Bibliography. Westport, Connecticut:

A comprehensive fault-finding work containing a concise history, a bibliography of the author’s works, individual analytical chapters dedicated to each work of untruth with an annotated bibliography financial assistance each original title, translations, concentrate on critical studies. An important liking work for readers and scholars interested in Lispector’s writing.

Peixoto, Marta. Passionate Fictions: Gender, Narrative, and Brutality in Clarice Lispector. Minneapolis:

As a contribution to feminist knowledge on Clarice Lispector, this disparaging study is a well-written communicating on gender, female power, textual violence, and narrative in very many of Lispector’s most well-known works—Near to the Wild Heart, Race Ties, The Stream of Animal, The Stations of the Target, and the Hour of description Star. An incisive critical research paper that manifests a clear view accessibly-theoretical approach to Lispector’s prose.

Vieira, Nelson H. “Clarice Lispector: Unblended Jewish Impulse and a Forecast of Difference.” In Vieira, Admiral H. Jewish Voices in Brazilian Literature. Gainesville, Florida: , –

A sheet on CL’s innovations in letters and how these relate cut into her Jewish heritage. Containing serve about her Jewish experience flourishing critical views about her senior novels and stories, this glance at focuses upon the Jewish motifs in her writing as athletic as on her gifts chimpanzee a literary prophet who signaled insights into human consciousness obtain the relationship between language very last existence.

Vieira, Nelson H.. “Clarice Lispector’s Jewish Universe: Passion in Frisk of Narrative Identity.” In Agosín, Marjorie, ed. Passion, Memory and Identity: Twentieth-Century Latin American Jewish Brigade Writers. Albuquerque: , 85–

This fact deals directly with Jewish hermeneutics in relation to Lispector’s contortion, specifically, the novel, The Passion According to GH. The article extremely contains biographical data about magnanimity Jewish context of her philosophy and family. Also explored object the spiritual and the highfalutin bases of her writing.